
tiistai, maaliskuu 01, 2005

Sanna kirjoitti motoista. Oma mottoni on militaristinen huoneentaulu "Valitse tarkasti ne taistelut, jotka häviät". Jatan tulkinnan minua fiksummille.

Sen sijaan pistan tuohon oheen pari yleisinta irrationaalista uskomusta helpottamaan elamaa. Vaikka en olekaan omistanut elamaani typeryyttani vastaan tappelemiseen eika oma kasitykseni edistyksen projektista ole lainkaan aina kovin positiivinen, niin nama ovat mielestani hyvia ohjeita itsetiedostukseen ja miksei muidenkin tiedostukseen. Ammattillisen mielipiteeni ns. rationaaliterapiasta 35 opintoviikon sosiaalipsykologian opinnoilla annan joskus jossain kannissa.

Siis nama eivat pida paikkaansa:

1. Everyone should love and approve of me (if they don't, I feel awful and unlovable).
2. I should always be able, successful, and "on top of things" (if I'm not, I'm an inadequate, incompetent, hopeless failure).
3. People who are evil and bad should be punished severely (and I have the right to get very upset if they aren't stopped and made to "pay the price").
4. When things do not go the way I wanted and planned, it is terrible and I am, of course, going to get very disturbed. I can't stand it!
5. External events, such as other people, a screwed-up society, or bad luck, cause most of my unhappiness. Furthermore, I don't have any control over these external factors, so I can't do anything about my depression or other misery.
6. When the situation is scary or going badly, I should and can't keep from worrying all the time.
7. It is easier for me to overlook or avoid thinking about tense situations than to face the problems and take the responsibility for correcting the situation.
8. I need someone--often a specific person--to be with and lean on (I can't do everything by myself).
9. Things have been this way so long, I can't do anything about these problems now.
10. When my close friends and relatives have serious problems it is only right and natural that I get very upset too.
11. I don't like the way I'm feeling but I can't help it. I just have to accept it and go with my feelings.
12. I know there is an answer to every problem. I should find it (if I don't, it will be awful).

Lahde internet eli takuulla ei kovin tieteellista. Ellis ja Harper julkaisivat tata joskus kuuskytluvulla jossain ihan oikeassa psykologisessa lehdessa, joten jos oikeasti kiinnostaa, niin google auttaa. Jos ei, niin mina sitten.


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